There's nothing more irritating than to be lectured by a zealot who thinks his/her way of doing things is the only way. I can assure you that that is not the main premise of this blog. I am doing this for my own purposes and the exercise of putting my experience in the form of a newsletter is a challenge, something different to occupy my mind. Should it be of any assistance to anyone else then that pleases me but I do not propose myself as campaigner or a 'disciple' of any kind, the very thought bugs me. I am embarking on a new venture simply because I needed something to stretch me. Following a relatively successful career in education and a short period of time playing golf (badly) I realised I was vegetating and needed something to stimulate the grey matter. Thus I did some research and found something I thought had the potential to do what I was looking for. The ability to work from home was a big attraction, indeed, as I began to discover, the 'business' can be done from anywhere (e.g. you often see marketing material showing bronzed young men/women with their laptops on their beach towel.) Though possible, I am content to be writing this whilst on a short break 'house minding' for my in-laws, anywhere, as it happens, there is an internet connection is a workable environment. That appeals to me. The subject of the 'business' is 'Social Media', something I confess I knew little about (I should explain that although my main criteria in terms of involvement in a new venture was cerebral there is a good opportunity of making some money as well). Indeed I suspect, like most people of my generation, I was of the opinion that elements such as Twitter and Facebook were simple teenage fads. winging trivia across the atmosphere without much substance. How wrong I was, using either/both of them for business purposes is a totally different proposition and I am learning to do so in the belief that I will soon be able to generate a reasonable level of income from a home based business which is giving me plenty of food for thought. It is not easy. There is much to learn and key to it all is persistence. There have been times when I questioned my involvement but I am encouraged by the level of support I receive and my confidence and level of expertise is growing exponentially. The Internet is a vast arena of opportunity and there are a myriad of ways one can benefit from participating. It can be a frightening thing and the consequences of making a mistake can be daunting, however it is like most things in life, how did you learn to drive a car? by going to someone who has done it before; listening to their advice; accepting their support/encouragement; practising their proposals; passing the test of your capability and then continuing to learn as different situations present themselves. I am following a similar path in terms of the business of Social Media Marketing. It is fascinating, challenging and potentially lucrative. All it needs is positivity and the desire to make the most of your capabilities. I now have a blog of my own, I am regularly posting on Facebook and Twitter with a long list of 'followers' and just three months ago I didn't have a clue. I have targets and I am attempting to shake off 50 years of bad habits which affect the way I look at the 'new order' of things. I want my independence back!
It is possible. Let me know what you think, always interested.
You are never too old!!
for your first 'driving lesson' try
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